Presale.Codes is an active database of presales and passwords, plus opportunities to buy tickets before the public to all kinds of fun events.

Learn about Presale.Codes and how it all works

With presale passwords you can buy tickets early to concerts, live sporting events, Fights, Races, Opera, Theatrical events and more.

Every week, Presale.Codes publishes thousands of presale passwords and welcomes hundreds of new members to our service.

Use the convenient search box above and enter the name of the performer and we will help you to quickly find the presale code you need to get tickets early.

Warning: Our database is constantly updated in realtime to reflect changing market conditions.

Here are the top questions we've gotten over the years regarding presale codes, presale passwords, presales in general, tickets in general and a host of other hopefully helpful ticket information.

Q: What is a presale password? What is a presale code?

A: Presale Passwords or Presale Codes are usually a word or password that when entered into a special offers box on or will let you buy tickets before the general public. During the “presale period” which could last an hour, a day or even several weeks tickets are sold off to people with the correct password.

Most presales available on Presale.Codes are used on or but some are used on other box office sites.

Q: How do I use a presale offer code? Where do I type in the password?

A: Most presales listed on Presale.Codes are through or

To take advantage of an offer, find the event presale you are looking for and enter your password into the password box.

Each presale on our site will have a link to the official box office where tickets can be purchased at face value.

Q: Is this legit? Really?

A: Sure is. We've been online for a long time (Since 2014) - plenty of opportunities for people to write nasty reviews of us.. there aren't any :D See a few resources like here (, a post on Reddit, we've got a page with links from some music bloggers who love us too.

Q: Does this work in my city/town?What about two towns over?

A: We've got presale codes for events all over the place, including some overseas in Europe, Australia, New Zealand.. but mostly North America for now. Here's a list of 150 places where we find codes for live events. This is NOT a complete list by any means.

Q: What is a Fan Club Presale? How do "Unique Presale Codes" work?

A: Fan Club Presales are for members of a specific organization, such as a band's fan-club, season ticket holders or past ticket purchasers in some cases (such as when an event has had to be rescheduled).

In some cases, each and every member of the Fan Club may be given a unique single-use password which expires once it has been used to purchase presale tickets.

Because these passwords are single use and our thousands and thousands of members would quickly be disappointed by the lack of availability - we cannot share unique Fan Club presale codes out of respect for the members who have paid to be a part of a Fan Club Presale, and also because once the code is used it would not work for anyone else.

Q: Does every event have a presale? And an offer code to go with it?

A: Many events have presales, but many events do not have a presale.

Only certain events offer a presale promotion but there are many that do - more than ⅓ tickets sold in 2020 was sold during a presale (that's an estimate we made up).

When purchasing tickets, always refer to an official box office outlet to see if an event is holding a ticket presale.

If a presale is advertised, then be sure to visit Presale.Codes to find the Presale Offer Code for your event.

Q: Do you post information for every presale? Do you get every single code?

A: We try our best to post all of the most popular event presale information. However, we cannot guarantee that all presales will be listed, or all codes will be available.

We probably average about half of the presales that are available, some days it's closer to to sixty percent of presales and others it's more like thirty percent. We do our best and update our data as often as possible during the day.

Q: Do you post event information for concerts outside the US? What about Europe?

A: We currently publish presale offer codes and information for events within the United States and Canada. We do not offer coverage of Europe at the present time.

Q: Do you offer information on sports? Playoffs?

A: Though the majority of the presale offer codes you will find here is for concerts and music events we do list as many sporting event presales as we can.

This does from time to time include information on Playoff Presale Codes, Final Presale Offers, even Championship presale passwords.

Q: Do you sell tickets? You must sell tickets right?

A: No, we do not sell tickets on our website. Furthermore, the information on our site does not guarantee tickets to any one specific event. We simply collect and organize Ticketmaster, Livenation, Venue, Radio, Facebook, Twitter, Newsletter, and American Express, Presale Offer Codes for the personal use of our members (that’s YOU).

Q: So you sell presale passwords? Right?

A: We do not sell individual presale passwords or offer codes: We do have a membership plan that will give you full-access to all of the presale information listed on Presale.Codes website. It's pretty affordable and you can cancel it at any time.

Q: How do I cancel my subscription?

A: We've got a help page for this exact situation, it will explain how you cancel your subscription.

Once you've canceled your subscription in PayPal your membership will immediately end and no further payments will be taken in the future. You will continue to enjoy access until your subscription period ends.

Q: How do I cancel my subscription?

A: We've got a help page for this exact situation, it explains how you cancel your subscription.

Once you've canceled your subscription in PayPal. Your membership will immediately end and no further payments will be taken in the future. You will continue to enjoy access until your subscription period ends.

Q: What is a Ticket Delivery Delay?

Ticketmaster (and other primary box office providers) sometimes delay sending out tickets, this article will help you understand why your tickets might not have been sent out yet and what you can expect from delayed tickets.

When buying tickets for an eagerly awaited event, the anticipation of securing your spot can be exhilarating. However, for some events there may be a delay between your purchase and the moment you can access your tickets. This delay, known as a delivery delay, serves an essential purpose in ensuring fairness and discouraging ticket scalping.

What exactly is a delivery delay?

A delivery delay refers to the period of time between the purchase of a ticket and the ability to access it. Event organizers implement this delay to try and thwart unfair practices such as ticket scalping and bulk buying using automated software sometimes referred to as "ticket bots". By imposing a delivery delay, organizers can verify that ticket purchases adhere to specified limits and are made through legitimate channels.

How Does it a delivery delay work?

During a delivery delay, purchased tickets remain inaccessible. This means that physical tickets won't be shipped, and mobile ticket barcodes won't be available until the delay period has elapsed or a predetermined date has been reached. This practice tries to ensure that all ticket purchases are thoroughly reviewed before they are distributed, promoting fairness among fans and ticket buyers.

Are presale tickets affected by a delivery delay

Quite often tickets obtained during a presales are delivered on a delay to ensure they are sold to real fans - Yes that means that your presale tickets may arrive as late as 48 hours before the event.

Where to Find Delivery Information

Delivery information regarding the delay period is typically provided in several places:

  • In your purchase confirmation email
  • On your order details in your account dashboard
  • On the event page itself

If you haven't received your tickets or cannot view a ticket barcode within two days of the event, it's recommended that you contact the ticketing platform or the event organizer for assistance.

Examples of past ticket delays

Over the yeares there have been many performers, venues, and promoters have utilized delivery delays to ensure fair ticket distribution. Some notable examples include:

  • Taylor Swift's Reputation Stadium Tour in 2018 implemented delivery delays to combat ticket scalping and ensure genuine fans had access to tickets.
  • Madison Square Garden in New York (MSG) frequently employs delivery delays for high-demand events such as concerts and sports matches.
  • Promoter: Live Nation, one of the world's largest event promoters, routinely incorporates delivery delays to maintain fairness in ticket sales across many events.

Some other examples of performers who regularly use delayed delivery include:

By adopting delivery delays, these artists and prompters are prioritizing genuine fans' access to events.

In conclusion, delivery delays play a crucial role in mitigating unfair ticketing practices and ensuring equitable access to events for all fans. By implementing these delays, event organizers can uphold fairness and integrity in ticket distribution, thereby enhancing the overall fan experience. There is some debate over how effective these practices are.

Presale.Codes is in no way affiliated with TicketMaster, LiveNation, or any artist, teams, performers, venues or organizations. Every presale code and presale password are user submitted content and are protected.
Please see our Terms and Privacy pages for further information and to learn more about new concert event dates Presale.Codes and Presale Passwords go hand in hand. Enjoy the show! Last Updated in 2024